Green Campus

Water Management
Davanagere suffers from rain deficit and thus water management plays a vital role. We at PSSEMR institutions teach our students about the importance of water through their water management programs on our school campus. We at PSSEMR institution are collecting and reusing water in various unique and different ways. Gardens are watered with the recycled water that we receive from the sewage treatment plant. The campus has a rainwater harvesting facility. Gardens use sprinklers for watering. Controlling water pressure in taps to limit water wastage by children, educating children about judicious water usage, trying to automate toilet flushes, hard water softening plant and water treatment plants, RO plants, growing grass, and plants everywhere to minimize soil erosion, and conserving water, etc., prove our keen interest in the conservation of water.

Energy Management
Energy management in the school is not only viewed as a very important issue but also a responsibility. We need to conserve energy as much as we can as the resources are depleting. Energy management is a term concerned with saving energy. To save energy, PSSEMR institution monitors, control, and conserves energy in a proper way. The metering of energy is well connected in the building to save energy and collect data. Everyone in the PSSEMR institution tries to save energy in every possible way they can. The meter data is routinely checked. Different types of equipment are installed in PSSEMR institutions to investigate and upgrade the energy consumption of the building. The students of the institution make awareness programs so that people can know about energy-saving techniques.
PSSEMR institution has installed solar panels on the rooftop of the building. This helps the school reduce non-renewable energy consumption by a large amount. PSSEMR institution has reduced its carbon footprint and promoted a green environment on campus. We also have proposed to set up a one-tonne crusher biogas plant to generate methane to be used in our kitchen. This also helps us manage the biodegradable waste on campus.
The school building saves up to 10-15% of the total energy. This may rise to 20-25% sometimes. PSSEMR institution is planning a long-term energy management plan to reduce up to 80% of their non-renewable energy consumption. Maintenance of machinery and regular auditing of machine quality keeps power wastage as low as possible. Lamps in the building are all being replaced by CFLs which consume less energy. With the very little amount of steps, the school has managed to consume very less amount of energy these days. The plan is to generate sufficient solar energy to ensure zero non-renewable energy consumption in the next three years

Waste Management
Separating, reducing, reusing, recycling and composting is our way to manage waste. Our garden waste will be digested by the proposed biogas plant. PSSEMR institution has found ways to get rid of waste in different ways with the least impact on the environment. Separating waste is the first step to managing any kind of waste from the campus. PSSEMR institution has set up different bins for different kinds of waste and makes sure that the right bins are used for the right purpose by the students. They have labeled each bin with proper tags like paper, plastic, glass, wet waste, etc.
PSSEMR institution has proposed to ban plastic within the campus and has prohibited the burning of waste strictly. Setting up of a Vermicomposting plant is underway.
Environmental Audit: report to be updated soon
Carbon footprint: report to be uploaded soon
Plantations: Our Eco Club “Bio-Sphere” undertakes a lot of activities that promote coexistence and living in harmony with nature. The club has undertaken many activities such as biogas installation, vermicomposting, etc. The club also is responsible for making the campus green and while they do so they also name every plant with its scientific name to make these scientific names familiar to students.